About Omid Sakhi

Omid Sakhi is a professional trainee in Germany with profoud records and achievements. To know him more, click on his biography.
My recent achievements-2013:
1. Participated to the ITF Taekwon-Do Seminar(Chech Republic) held by Grand Master Chio Jung Hwa

2. Participated to International ITF Taekwon-Do Seminar(Dortmund)

3. Established the first ITF Taekwon-Do class in Munich-Germany

4. Membership of Germany ITF Taekwon-Do

5. Participate to the High Degree International ITF Seminar ( Stuttgart)

Welcome to our website!

Taekwondo is one of the most systematic and scientific Korean traditional martial arts, that teaches more than physical fighting skills. It is a discipline that shows ways of enhancing our spirit and life through training our body and mind.

Let's take a closer look at the meaning of the word "Tae" "Kwon" "Do." It is composed of three parts as shown in the English spelling, though it is one word in Korean. "Tae" means "foot," "leg," or "to step on"; "Kwon" means "fist," or "fight"; and "Do" means the "way" or "discipline." If we put these three parts together, we can see two important concepts behind "Tae Kwon Do".

Taekwando moves:

  • Move1:

    We prepare you with right skills with your effective and result oriented training and exercises!.

  • Move2:

    Taekwondo is very different from many such oriental martial arts. First, physically it is very dynamic with active movements that include a mirage of foot skills. Second, the principle physical movements are in simpatico with that of the mind and life as a whole. Third, it possesses dynamic poses from another perspective.

  • Move3:

    The complete information regarding our training and services you will find on the "about us" page.