About Omid Sakhi

Omid Sakhi is a professional trainee in Germany with profoud records and achievements. To know him more, click on his biography.
My recent achievements-2013:
1. Participated to the ITF Taekwon-Do Seminar(Chech Republic) held by Grand Master Chio Jung Hwa

2. Participated to International ITF Taekwon-Do Seminar(Dortmund)

3. Established the first ITF Taekwon-Do class in Munich-Germany

4. Membership of Germany ITF Taekwon-Do

5. Participate to the High Degree International ITF Seminar ( Stuttgart)

Saju Jirugi by ITF Taekwondo München


Saju Makgi ITF Taekwondo München


Chon-Ji Tul by ITF Taekwondo München


Dan-Gun Tul by ITF Taekwondo München


Do-San Tul by ITF Taekwondo München


Won Hyo by ITF Taekwondo München



Yul-Gok Tul by ITF Taekwondo München


Joong-Gun Tul by ITF Taekwondo München


Toi-Gye Tul by ITF Taekwondo München


Hwa-Rang Tul by ITF Taekwondo München


Choong-Moo Tul by ITF Taekwondo München


Kwang-Gae Tul by ITF Taekwondo München


Po-Eun Tul by ITF Taekwondo München